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How transportable is the SupraComputer?

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The SupraComputer is smaller than a deck of cards, but if I need a keyboard, mouse, and monitor, how transportable is it really?

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Joined: 7 years ago
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The SupraComputer is smaller than a deck of cards, and a monitor is cumbersome, but the SupraComputer uses an HDMI cable for video output.  This means that you don't necessarily need to carry a monitor with you.  Most hotels, for example, have an HDMI input slot on the TVs in their rooms.  Simply plug your HDMI cable into the hotel's TV, and you're in business!  As for a keyboard and mouse, there are several options out their for portable keyboards and mice.  Also, as long as you have a keyboard, a mouse isn't necessary.  The touch pad will work just fine!

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